
27th PhD Workshop on International Climate Policy

The Sustainability Research Center at ESCP Europe “SustBusy” is pleased to host the next Workshop of the European PhD Network on International Climate Policy!

To read the Call for Papers for the 27th PhD Workshop on International Climate Policy (ICP) click here.

The topic of this year’s workshop is “Off the beaten track: alternative approaches and methods in studies in climate economic politics” and will cover topics of relevance for climate change mitigation and adaptation, e.g. policy instruments, carbon market mechanisms, science policy interface, renewable energies, forests in a changing climate, climate change negotiations and new climate governance architectures.Submissions should therefore address these aforementioned topics particularly considering alternative economic approaches, e.g. Evolutionary Economics, Ecological Economics or Agent-Based Modelling.

The workshop will take place at ESCP Europe Business School in Berlin on May 28-29th 2015 and is jointly organised by ESCP Europe Business School Berlin ( and SustBusy Research Center on Business and Society – Towards a Sustainable World ( and kindly supported by Stiftung Mercator ( and Dahrendorf-Symposium – Changing the European Debate (

Aim and Scope

The ICP workshops series is organised semi-annually under the auspices of the European PhD Network on International Climate Policy (ICP). It aims to offer doctoral candidates the opportunity to present their research ideas and results, receive feedback, and exchange information and assistance in an informal setting. PhD students from all disciplines working on topics relevant to climate policy and environmental economics are invited to submit applications. Participation is free of charge, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. We seek to bring together 30-40 PhD students who present and discuss their work.

Please submit your abstract of 300 to 500 words until February 28th 2015 via email to For more detailed information please take a look under


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