
Macroeconomics in the Age of Climate Change

Join GDAE for the 2015 Leontief Prize award ceremony and lectures
Lectures by Prize winners

Duncan Foley and Lance Taylor

on the theme

Macroeconomics in the Age of Climate Change

Monday, March 23, 2015 at 5:30
ASEAN Auditorium, Fletcher School, Tufts University

GDAE will award its 2015 Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought to Duncan Foley and Lance Taylor. This award recognizes their work to improve our understanding of the relationships between environmental quality and the macroeconomy. The awardees will present lectures on the theme “Macroeconomics in the Age of Climate Change” at 5:30 pm in the ASEAN Auditorium in the Cabot Intercultural Center.

2015 Leontief Prize Winners

Dr. Duncan Foley

Dr. Duncan Foley

Dr. Duncan Foley is the Leo Model Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research. An extraordinarily productive scholar, he has made key contributions to a wide range of fields, such as microeconomic theory, econometrics, political economy, and the economics of climate change. His recent research has analyzed critical contemporary issues such as financial instability, sustainable economic growth, and global warming from a political economy perspective.

Dr. Lance Taylor

Dr. Lance Taylor

Dr. Lance Taylor is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research and the former Arnhold Professor of International Cooperation and Development. He has published extensively in the fields of macroeconomics and development economics, focusing on the interaction of growth, stability and income distribution. In his research and advisory activity, he has made major advances in the “structuralist” approach to macroeconomic policy, a main alternative to the Neoclassical tradition. Recently, Dr. Taylor has taken up the analysis of climate change from a macroeconomic perspective.

About the Leontief Prize

GDAE inaugurated its economics award in 2000 in memory of Nobel Prize-winning economist and GDAE advisory board member Wassily Leontief. The Leontief Prize recognizes economists whose work, like that of the institute and Leontief himself, combines theoretical and empirical research to promote a more comprehensive understanding of social and environmental processes.

The inaugural prizes were awarded in 2000 to John Kenneth Galbraith and Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen. Since then, GDAE has awarded the Leontief Prize to Paul Streeten, Herman Daly, Alice Amsden, Dani Rodrik, Nancy Folbre, Robert Frank, Richard Nelson, Ha-Joon Chang, Samuel Bowles, Juliet Schor, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Stephen DeCanio, José Antonio Ocampo, Robert Wade, Bina Agarwal, Daniel Kahneman, Nicholas Stern, Martin Weitzman, C. Peter Timmer, Michael Lipton, Albert O. Hirschman (posthumous), Frances Stewart, James K. Galbraith, and Angus Deaton.


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