Call for Contributions:
Special Issue on "Natural Disasters and Resilience" in Ecological Economics

We invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their contributions for a special issue of Ecological Economics focused on “Natural Disasters and Resilience.” This special issue aims to explore the intersection of ecological economics and natural disasters, highlighting innovative approaches to resilience, adaptive strategies, and sustainable recovery.
Submission Start Date: October 1, 2024
Preparing Contributions
We welcome submissions in the following categories (see full brochure for more topics):
- Analysis: In-depth studies offering new insights or empirical data on topics related to natural disasters and resilience.
- Survey: Comprehensive reviews of existing literature, providing a synthesis of current knowledge and identifying gaps for future research.
- Commentary: Perspectives or viewpoints that contribute to the discourse on resilience strategies and policy implications in the context of natural disasters.
Contributors are encouraged to consult the Guide for Authors for detailed instructions on manuscript preparation. When submitting your manuscript, please select “VSI: Natural Disasters and Resilience” as the article type.
Review Process
All submissions will undergo the standard peer-review process and must meet or exceed the usual quality standards for articles published in Ecological Economics. Please note that acceptance is not guaranteed; manuscripts deemed unsuitable will not be published.
Publication Format
The special issue will be published as a virtual special issue. Each accepted paper will be published online in the next available regular issue, with a clear indication that it is part of the special issue. All special issue articles will be grouped together in an online-only collection under “Article Collections” on ScienceDirect, becoming visible to readers as soon as the first article is linked to the special issue. This allows for timely dissemination of research without waiting for all papers to be finalized. Examples of previously published special issues can be viewed here.
Contact Information
For any questions regarding this special issue, please contact the Guest Editors:
- Carl Folke:
- Aart de Zeeuw:
- Anne-Sophie Crepin:
- Chuan-Zhong Li:
We look forward to your contributions to this important and timely special issue.
Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2025