
Ecological Economics is seeking to recruit new members of the editorial board

Ecological Economics is seeking to recruit new members of the editorial board

The responsibilities of a Member of the Editorial Board are …

  • to provide three to five reviews per year on submitted papers in their area of expertise. An Editorial-Board-Member’s review is usually expected to be pro­vided within 30 days and in a reliable manner. An Editorial-Board-Member is also expected to review all revised versions of a manuscript. An Editorial-Board-Member’s review is, in comparison to reviews by outside re­­viewers, of above-average quality in terms of expertise, and based on a good understand­ing of the aims and scope of ecological economics. It informs, in particular, about a sub­­mitt­ed manu­script’s degree of originality, innovation and relevance for the field of eco­logical eco­no­mics.
  • to give a quick and informal assessment of a paper where available reviews are split, de­fi­cient in some sense, or incon­clusive,
  • to provide opinions and suggestions to help the Editors and Publisher to steer the journal to be of better quality and more effective at representing the field
  • to actively promote the journal, both at the relevant meetings they attend and through their regular networking with colleagues and contacts in research programs etc.
  • to approach leading individuals in the field, to encourage the submission of high-quality articles. Members of the Editorial Board are encouraged to submit their own articles for publication when appropriate.

The ideal candidate ...

  • has very good expertise in some area of ecological economics: knows the current literature, different approaches and methods, and potential merits and problems of those
  • has (co-)authored at least five publications of excellent quality and of relevance for the field of ecological economics in peer-reviewed journals, including at least two in Ecological Economics
  • has experience in reviewing for high-quality journals and reviews manuscripts in a careful, diligent and reliable manner
  • communicates in a comprehensible, clear, and convincing manner
  • fits as an individual into a group of Editorial-Board-Members that is well balanced and re­pres­entative of the ecological-economics community at large, in terms of ideological and methodological approach, gender, ethnicity, region, etc.

There is no honorarium to Members of the Editorial Board. Appointment to the Board is normally for a period of five years and can be extended for one or more subsequent periods.

Suggestions of suitable candidates should be made to the  Assistant Editor Rania, before May 15, if possible.


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