The fourth session from this year’s EUC online Seminar Series “Aim High, Degrow: Dialogues on Degrowth” is only one week away! Session 4 is titled “Degrowth and systems: back to the caves or back to the future?”, and will be held on Monday February 12th at 11:30am EST. We’ll be discussing the role of technology in a degrowth future, and in particular in the energy sector. Does degrowth involve technological development, and to what extent? What does convivial technology mean, and does it have a future?
We’re very excited to be joined by our speakers, Julia Steinberger (University of Lausanne) and Toni Ruuska (University of Helsinki), and our moderator Mark Winfield (Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University). This webinar will be of relevance to anyone interested in degrowth, energy transitions and technological change. Everyone is welcome to attend – please share widely!
You can find more detailed information (including registration links and speaker bios) here: https://euc.yorku.ca/euc-seminar-series-2023/.
Our first session was an introduction to degrowth, our second session was on degrowth, feminism and decolonization, and our third session was on degrowth and urban planning. If you’d like to watch and/or share them, they are publicly available on YouTube.
We very much look forward to having these dialogues with you,