

Vatican Internship

Vatican Internship

ISEE Internship at the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development The International Society for Ecological Economics is pleased to announce the third iteration of the ISEE Internship at the Vatican’s largest office, the Dicastery

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ISEE’s statement on Gaza. For peace, justice, and accountability.

ISEE Statement on Gaza

All ISEE members were invited to vote in the poll, now closed, regarding the Statement for Peace, Justice, and Accountability. One hundred sixty-three voted in favor of publication, and 36 voted against it. ISEE will,

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Herman Daly

Death of Herman Daly

The ISEE Community is deeply saddened by the death of Herman Daly, co-founder of the ISEE and constant contributor to the field of Ecological Economics.  He was awarded the Right Livelihood Award for “defining a

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17th International Conference of RSEE

17th International Conference of the RSEE

The Russian Society for Ecological Economics is excited to announce the 17th International Conference of the Russian Society of Ecological Economics (RSEE-2023) will take place in Novosibirsk, Russia, in 2023, 3-7 July. It will be

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Doing Ecological Economics

Doing Ecological Economics

Thinking about carbon policies and management May 11, 2022 at 16h CET YouTube This webinar will explore to what extent ecological economics principles are currently integrated into carbon policies and management, and in particular how

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Deforestation-free Trade Workshop

Preparatory workshop for a special issue of the journal Ecological Economics The objectives of the workshop are: to share information and results of the research of the contributors; to define more clearly and fine-tune the

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Logo of the International Society for Ecological Economics in black and white

Call for Candidates for ISEE Election

UPCOMING ISEE ELECTIONS and CALL for NOMINATIONS The ISEE Board Election will be held in December for 1 President-Elect, 10 Board Members, 2 Student Members. Nominations of Candidates must be received by November 26th. If

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ISEE Website

ISEE wants to build a new and improved website and is looking for input from anyone who would like to help with ideas on how it should look, content you’d like to see included. We

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2021 Joint Conference of ISEE, ESEE and DEGROWTH

The Joint Conference of ISEE, ESEE, and DEGROWTH in collaboration with Manchester University, UK Building Alternative Livelihoods in times of ecological and political crisis Given the continuing pandemic, the joint conference between the International Degrowth

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